The Gathering is a curated worship experience where we can be present with God and ourselves. We are rooted in diverse traditions, expansive welcome, and courageous growth. This Gathering is for everyone–especially the church-avoidant, folks who serve others or lead in faith communities.
Is The Gathering a church?
Nope. While we worship together, we do so without the trappings of “church.”
Do I have to join The Gathering?
Maybe. If your definition of “joining” is measured by a certain level of commitment or involvement, then, sure. Otherwise, membership is not an aspect or requirement to attend or serve in worship.
How often does The Gathering meet?
Right now, monthly. But we don’t know if that’s the final answer. If you will, help us answer that question by sharing some feedback with us here. Thanks. K. Bye.
Is worship participation required?
Nah. However you feel most comfortable being present at The Gathering is exactly how you should show up. If you have gifts to share, we all welcome you to do so when you’re ready.
What are these “C” categories?
They are a way to help us figure out where you fit in the Matrix. No, just kidding. Curators, Cultivators, Collaborators, and Co-Conspirators are ways for folks to self-identify how they understand their participation capacity. No one fits neatly into one, and we don’t expect you to.
Is there an offering?
Yep. Candles, websites, and Tibetan singing bowls cost money. All kidding aside, we do have nominal monthly expenses and your generosity helps to cover those. There are no salaries—only worship materials and service projects when we have a surplus.
How do I help plan a Gathering experience?
If you are interested in curating an experience, make sure to indicate as such here and the team will reach out to you!
What denomination is The Gathering a member of?
Denomi-what? We’re mostly Christian, but not all of us. There are many denominations represented by the folks who come and those who lead. We are not “non-denominational” but inter-denominational, anti-denominational, ecumenical, and interfaith all at the same time.
What do I wear?
Clothes. Some will come straight from work, others will likely be in sweats or jeans. Be comfortable.